This series of glitch art titled " I Don’t Live Here Anymore, I Live in the Future ," is an experimental photography series that captures the essence of space and time with images taken across North America in 2014. Digital distortion of these image
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 This series of glitch art titled " I Don’t Live Here Anymore, I Live in the Future ," is an experimental photography series that captures the essence of space and time with images taken across North America in 2014. Digital distortion of these image

This series of glitch art titled "I Don’t Live Here Anymore, I Live in the Future," is an experimental photography series that captures the essence of space and time with images taken across North America in 2014. Digital distortion of these images creates a dreamlike impression, evoking a sense of not quite being there. By deliberately adding glitches, the photographs transform into abstract art, composed of shapes, colours, and patterns. This intentional manipulation challenges our understanding of reality and harnesses the visual effects of data corruption to prompt critical reflection on the truth of the present. Through the creative use of glitches and glitch processes, the project aims to reconfigure traditional understandings of photography and digital media, leading to a deeper exploration of the emotional impact of visual representation within these realms.

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